Stage 56, Coyhaique to Camping at Río Manso
Stage 56 was a stage for the climbers. With two mountain passes totalling over 2,000 vertical m and each competitor obligated to carry 50 lbs of gear plus as much food for the day as they desire it wasn´t a surprise that the pace was slow off the start. The pelaton was slightly down in numbers but the stage went on. The big surprise of the day was the adjustment of the finish line from the village of Villa de Cerro de Castillo to a desolate spot 20 km down the road by the meandering river of Río Manso. Once again, Mekechuk picked up first and last place.
Total time 8 hrs 36 min, ride time 6 hrs 39 min, 117 km, 2,079 m gain, 2,004 m loss.
Stage 57. Camping at Río Manso to Puerto Río Tranquilo
Today, I found myself with not wanting to get out of the tent. I was waiting for it to start raining and for the race officials to delay the start. Much to my dismay, the weather remained only cloudy and threatening to rain. I urged officials to consider the distance to the next village, 101 km. They did not budge. Everyone was obligated to depart at 7:30 am. I missed the start by 5 minutes!
Total time 6 hrs 52 min, ride time 5 hrs 58 min, 101 km, elev gain 1,100 m, elev loss 1,184 m.
Coming Up .. .Continuing south. Next major objective will be the tiny village of Villa O´Higgins. At that point will be a HUGE ADVENTURE crossing back into Argentina and passing right in front of the ominous Mt. Fitz Roy.
The "weld repair" on the rear eyelet continues to hold true. However, it is one of those things that is difficult to evaluate. If it breaks it will likely happen without warning. It is very difficult to visually see if there are cracks.
I continue to carry some load on my back when riding on gravel. My back up plan would be to try to come across a 50 or 60 liter pack and carry all of the load in the rear panniers on my back. Getting a pack would be a problem though. Would likely have to hop on a bus to the closest village that rents or sell such gear.
Mileage ...
The odometer is now at 5,109 km. If only it could talk.
Photos ... More posted on ...
PPS. And again, Merry Christmas to all. I hope that everyone is enjoying Holiday Season with friends, family and loved ones.
I am embarking on a bike tour from La Paz, Bolivia to Tierra del Fuego. I should be on my bike by October 24th. I have three months to complete this journey. I am doing this trip solo ... unless of course I get any last minute (or last second) offers from friends and family who wish to accompany me. The following map shows the approximate route I will be taking. Along the way, I hope to have time to do a little bit of trekking and perhaps enjoy some fine Chilean wine.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
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Bristling winds at the "Fu"
This is Futaleufú, Chile
Crossed into Chile on Dec 11
Gravel rode riding towards Chile
Riding towards Chile, Dec 11
These Andes form the border between Argentina & Chile
South thru the Lake District, Dec 10
Tiny Hostal in Epuyén, Dec 9
South of El Bolsón, Dec 9
Lake District with the Andes in the background
Typical Lake District Riding
Just south of Bariloche, Argentina
Had a nice Argentinian style steak
Entering the town of Bariloche, Argentina
Riding along the lakeshore into Bariloche
Descent into Argentina
Welcome to Argentina
Heading East to Argentina, Day 43
Short Cut after "El Crucero"
Waiting out the rain
Another view from the top of Lanin
View from the Summit
Rodrigo ascending Lanin
Villarica in the Shadow of Lanin
View of the High Camp
Snow Caves
Making dinner at the high camp
Volcano Lanin
Valley of Yellow Flowers
Lake Toro (Huerquehue Park)
Snow on the Trail ... Huerquehue Park
Huerquehue Park (more)
Huerquehue Park (close to Pucón)
Countryside around Pucón
Villarica Volcano ... in the clouds
Met two riders from Spain (Basque Region) on the way to Pucón
Villarica Volcano (look closely)
Plaza de Armas at Temuco
A Yellow Bridge and a nice valley.
Main Plaza at Mulchén
Hotel Mulchén
Can you tell it was hot in Mulchén?
Locals Swimming at Mulchén
Bureo River at the village of Mulchén
Typical riding close to the village of Mulchén
Having a snack break
Pit stop at a highway bus stop
Hostel in Chillán
Hostel in Linares
Plaza de Armas in Curicó
At the Hostel in Curicó
Roadside Fruit Stand
LLama in Rancagua
Café con Piernas ("Coffee with Legs" in Santiago)
Sunset in Santiago
Barrio (Neighborhood) "Paris London"
Street vendors in Santiago
One of the main streets in Santiago
Shoreline at Viña del Mar
Pelican in Flight
More Chilean Coast
Chilean Coast, Day 28
Village of Papudo
Welding (mechanical failure on Day 27)
Preparing to Weld
"Volker" from Germany
Chilean Coast Close to Papudo
A Nice Beach 250 km North of Santiago
Riding Along the Coast
Riding on the Panamerican Highway
Trip Planning Over a Cappucino
Steets of La Serena
Revelling in the Streets of La Serena
Back to the Chilean Coast
One BIG Tonka Toy
Right in the Fog bank
Fog Bank in the Valley
Early morning riding through the coastal range
At the Pensión at Incahuasi
Entering the Village of Incahuasi
Breakfast at the Posada
Typical Posada along the Highway
Camping at Playa Flamenco
A little sunbathing at Playa Flamenco
Leaving the Atacama Desert
Dog Day Afternoon at Posada Bahía Taltal
Posada Bahía Taltal
Sunset in the Atacama Desert
Camping High in the Atacama Desert
Typical Atacama Desert
The Camera Fell before the timer went off ......
Taking a break in the Atacama Desert
Mano del Desierto by Mario Irarrazabal
The Main Promenade in Antofagasta
Entering Antofagasta
Sunset at Hornitos
Camping at Hornitos
More Camping at Hornitos
More Chilean Coast
Chilean Pacific Coast
Strange things at gas stations
Camping along the Coast at Rio Loa
Northern Desert
Darryl in Arica, Chile
From Putre to Arica
Entering Chile
Leaving Bolivian border
Attempt of Sajama
High Andean Plains
Images from Bolivia
Packing List (final)
Blog Archive
- Days 63 to 65, Villa O`Higgins - El Chaltén
- Days 60 to 62, Cochrane to Villa O´Higgins
- Days 58 & 59, Puerto Río Tranquilo to Puerto Bertr...
- Stage 56 & 57, Coyhaique-Río Manso to Puerto Río T...
- Days 52 to 55, Carretera Austral
- Day 51, Villa Santa Lucía to La Junta
- Day 50, Futaleufú to Villa Santa Lucia
- Day 49, Esquel to the "Fu" (Futaleufú)
- Days 47 & 48, El Bolsón-Epuyén to Esquel
- Days 45 & 46, Bariloche to El Bolsón
- Days 42 to 44, San José to Bariloche! A Lot of STO...
- Day 41, Pucón to San José de la Mariquina
- Days 39 & 40, Ascent of Lanin ... Made It!
About Me
- Darryl Scott
- Mechanical engineer working in the oil & gas industry. In my free time, generally, I can be found on a bike or with skis strapped to my feet.
Hi hack;
Not quite holiday season here yet - although had a good party at bextons the other night with lots of the old ski crowd. Some good stories and a lot of talk about the upcoming tuesday night race league. Are you in?
What's the traffic like on the gravel roads? I haven't seen any trucks in your photos but the roads seem very well maintained. They look much better than the pavement in Costa Rica.
Since Frank is having people over I may make the trip up - I'll see if I can talk rags into it too. We'll be thinking of you. As far as Desi & Joni worrying about driving, I can't remember either one of them ever driving on a weekend night, can you?
So, if your odometer could talk, what exactly would it say?
Really, doesn't it stay on your bike?
Saludos desde Col. D2!
Espero que estes bien, aqui mi familia disfruto mucho tus fotografias, dicen que eres muy fotogenico :0) y yo estoy de acuerdo. Tambien les mostre las fotos de las montanias y les conte la historia del "oso", ja, ja, ja...ellos estaban impresionados con eso.
El clima esta increible aqui, cielo azul y 30c. Hay muchas luces de navidad, alegria y energia positiva por todos lados.
Espero que estes teniendo un dia lleno de aventuras emocionantes.
Mil abrazos,
Hi Darryl,
Want you to know how much I am missing you this xmas, no brother to ski with!!
Sister Joy
hi every person,
I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]
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